Tell City Council What You Think

The Mayor has added a supplemental item onto the City Council agenda for Tuesday- Oct. 21st. 6:00pm

The item is “Police Staffing” and it is the only item on the agenda.

Some of the cut/reduced items include: closing the public counters at the police stations, no overtime for patrol, dispatch, gang unit,vice unit or detectives, furlough reserves, limit call outs to only cover critical incidents and many frozen positions.

The proposed cuts are going to hurt, but the City budget will call for additional cuts next year and that just will not be possible.

It is important that we as a community set the framework for this discussion – that we need our officers in our neighborhoods.

For those who may not have been to a council meeting before: City Hall is at 915 I Street [Map]. There is no parking meter enforcement after 6 PM, so if you are at a meter, you need only pay enough to reach 6 PM and you can ignore time limits after 6 PM.
You need not speak at the podium to show your concern — just being there sends a message. However, if you wish to speak for a stronger message, there are speakers’ slips in the back of the room — just fill it out and hand it to the city clerk.
We need to see a big turnout of Natomas residents tonight! Let’s show them how engaged we are and how much we value our police services.

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