Speaking Of Tacky

Who is responsible for the landscaping on the west side of Truxel Road between Prosper and Natomas Crossing?

The flower beds on both sides of the side walk are overgrown with weeds and the plants are struggling to survive! It’s looking a lot like the front yard of a foreclosed home.

We’re just sayin’…


  1. Someone made an attempt by planting the flowers and must be keeping them watered otherwise they’d be dead by now. However, the weeds HAVE been allowed to grow wild. Could be a project for a Girl or Boy Sout troop if the owner can’t keep it up for some reason.

  2. Is it the landscaping on the street next to the sidewalk? If so, I would imagine that the city is responsible for the upkeep of the landscaping . . .

  3. It is city right of way being held for light rail to the airport. I live there at Carriage Lane and agree — it’s awful. Not to mention the morning glory that’s spreading into our landscaping…

  4. I’ve left notices with both the City and County for cleanup work in the area. I get a response but no action. Try walking across from Coca-Cola on the east side of Gateway Park with trees completely blocking the sidewalk. Come on guys, we pay good money to keep up Natomas…

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