Fort Natomas: How Can YOU Help? Check It!

As many people will remember, in the spring of this year, Jefferson Park’s Fort Natomas play structure was burned down. This is the second burning of the same structure, as it was first torched in 2006. The original structure, also community-built, was first build in 1991. Both playgrounds had become a landmark in the community and a site of many of our children’s happiest memories. Happily we are gaining a great deal of community and business support to rebuild Fort Natomas again, at a safer location.

The city recently approved a proposal that Fort Natomas be relocated at Truxel Road and Bannon Creek Dr. at the South Natomas Library and Community Center. Fortunately we have been able to put the rebuild on the fast track because the blueprints and plans had already been completed for the second rebuild in 2006. Leathers, the company involved in both prior Fort Natomas parks, will again be working with our Core Committee to make every part of the build go as smoothly as possible. The Core Committee is working hard to organize volunteer information, work with media and businesses to make all local people aware of our rebuild, gather tools and food for workers and raise much needed funds.

What can you do to help? Tools are still a major concern, if you have any tools please log on to and click Tools from the main menu. You can rest assured that any tools donated will be returned in the same condition or replaced. We need several hundred volunteers every day of the build: November 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th 8th, 9th, and 10th. Talk to your employer to see if a group can be organized and work on site for part of a day. Volunteer yourself any morning, evening or weekend. We need people for food preparation and serving, child care, entertainment, as well as skilled and unskilled labor. It is also helpful just to spread the word, tell others about the effort and you’ll be surprised about the results. Also look for the sign in the businesses you frequent for the “I support Fort Natomas” sign.

What do you do to sign up? Find our table at many local events: you can buy a tile or T-shirt and fill out any form, or just log on to and fill out a volunteer application, tool donation form, or even sponsor the build.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping with our project. Any publicity, time, tools, or money you can give will be a great help. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like more information.

Thank You,
Kate Rozental
Co-Head Coordinator Rebuild Fort Natomas
[email protected]
[email protected]


  1. This is a very, very ,very LOW priority at a time when our police are pulling 50% of their patrols off our streets. I think this project should be put on hold and the money should be channeled to the police department.

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