I received a notice in the mail about proposed utility rate increases for garbage, water, etc. Nothing was said about ways to cut costs versus automatically increasing rates. There will be meetings for public response. What do you think about a Buzz survey soliciting ideas/input from others? It would be great to have facts to forward to City Council members so they think about options other than automatic increases.

I think one way to save money would be to pick up recyclables every other week or even once a month. I have read that recyclables are down significantly with the recession – people not shopping as much so less cardboard boxes; drinking less beer and wine, so fewer bottles. I also know my case may be different than those with families or big shoppers but imagine other people might have other cost saving ideas.

I don’t know what the holiday pay policy is with the city for garbage collection but there may be a way to save there too; either by changing the holiday pay policy itself or by skipping collection on holidays. I don’t think they collected on holidays in NJ and yes it piled up a bit but perhaps people would be willing to forgo some services in exchange for keeping rates the same for a while longer.

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