Heard: What To Do With Those Trees

Hi Everyone!

While driving around the community this weekend, I noticed some families have wasted no time in taking down their Christmas trees and have already put them out on the curb for pickup. Unfortunately, the City won’t be starting their loose street collections until next Monday and may not make it out to Natomas until later in the week.

http://www.cityofsa cramento. org/utilities/ solid-waste- recycling/ residential/ residential_ voluntary_ containerization .cfm

The Department of Utilities recommends we put the trees out for curbside pickup the evening of Sunday, Jan. 4, but that we leave them off the street, out of public view, until then. If you need to get it out of the house and don’t want to keep it on the side yard or cut it up and put it in your green waste can, the City and County have coordinated free Christmas Tree drop off events – one this past Saturday and another this coming Saturday. The closest location for us would be the North Area Recovery Station on Roseville Rd. near Watt Ave.

http://www.sacgreen team.com/ sacgreenteam/ documents/ HotTopics/ 2008-09%20Christ mas%20Tree% 20Half%20Sheet% 20Flyer%20final. pdf

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year!

Bob Weston

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