Take Back The Park

Here at THE BUZZ we are hard pressed to think of any other post that has generated as much reader response in such a short period of time as the one about Kokomo Park.

Needless to say, this community park is at the heart of Creekside’s success as a neighborhood.

Over coffee this morning, some mom-types were talking about Capt. Hahn’s suggestion.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just take back the park from vandals and unruly youth, much in the same way we take back the night from sexual predators and other criminals?

Ideally, a group would be present at the park at the same time every day.

Interested in participating in such a movement? Send a message to THE BUZZ now!

Update: THE BUZZ has already received an offer from someone to be a “park mom” — anyone else care to join in?

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