Natomas District, Unions Face Off

At Issue: Labor Talks, Layoffs & Pay RaisesBY BRANDY TUZON BOYDTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzMonths of tumultuous labor relations between the Natomas Unified School District and both its employee … [Read more...]

Natomas Unified Finances Improved

County Warns AgainstDeficit SpendingTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzThe Sacramento County Office of Education is canceling  its request for an emergency state loan for the Natomas Unified School … [Read more...]

Top Manager Abruptly Leaves Natomas Unified School District

BY BRANDY TUZON BOYDTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzA fifth member of the Natomas Unified School District's senior management team has resigned after being on the job less than two months.Red Balfour … [Read more...]

Natomas Teachers Make Deal With School District

The Natomas Teachers' Union last night reached a tentative agreement with school district officials that could halt an imminent state takeover. "No one wanted to see our district taken over by the … [Read more...]

Fitch Downgrades Natomas USD, Outlook Negative

Fitch Ratings has downgraded the Natomas Unified School District's $60.6 million general obligation bonds from A- to BBB.Fitch Ratings also changed the "Rating Watch Negative" to "Rating Outlook is … [Read more...]