New COVID-19 Cases in Natomas Drops 43%

New Natomas COVID-19 Cases by Date 2/22/2021 125 Total cases by week for zips 95833, 95834 & 95835 Graphic

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz

New cases of COVID-19 dropped dramatically last week among those who reside in Natomas zip codes, according to data released today by Sacramento County Public Health officials.

Between Feb. 16 and Feb. 22, new COVID-19 cases in Natomas numbered 125 — a drop of 43% from 219 new cases during the previous reporting period.

The numbers released Monday represent the lowest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Natomas in four months.

From early November to mid December, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Natomas climbed steadily to 549 new cases reported on Dec. 14, 2020. Case counts remained in the mid 300s to high 400s until the end of January 2021 when they dropped dramatically to the low 200s.

Over the past five weeks, Natomas COVID-19 cases fluctuated from a low of 175 to a high of 220.

According to the data released Feb. 22, there were 44 new cases in zip code 95833 last week, a drop of nearly 47% from the week prior. In zip code 95834, 43 new cases were reported, a more than 37% drop, and zip code 95835 logged 38 new cases, a 42% decrease.*

The Natomas Unified School District continues to partner with county health, city officials and other to administer vaccinations for COVID-19. The weekly, free drive-thru clinic follows guidelines for priority groups identified by the state. Individuals in these groups may register online to receive the vaccination on Mondays. The school district also offers free, weekly COVID-19 testing on Tuesdays.

At press time, Sacramento County remained in the state’s purple, or widespread tier, as defined by the Blueprint for a Safer Economy which indicates which activities and businesses are open based on local case rates and test positivity. Tiers are updated on Tuesday.

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*Sacramento County does not report the number of cases likely recovered, hospitalizations or deaths by zip code on its epidemiology dashboards.

New Natomas COVID-19 Cases By Zip Source Sacramento County Public Health Updated Feb. 22, 2021 95833 44 cases 95834 43 cases 95835 38 cases Graphic



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