THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz
Upwards of 80 people participated in a “Honk for Justice & Equality” demonstration held Saturday, June 6 in Natomas.
The event was billed as a “peaceful gathering to show solidarity in our Natomas neighborhood” and staged along Natomas Boulevard just north of North Bend Road.
“We are just out encouraging people in our neighborhood to show their support for — everyone,” organizer Tiffany Kim said.
Kim said she decided to organize the peaceful demonstration after returning from camping to news about “curfews and broken windows.”
“So we’re out honking for justice, honking for Black Lives Matter, honking for equality,” Kim said. “There’s a lot of great signs from great people in the neighborhood just showing the love for Natomas.”
Demonstrators stood along both sides of Natomas Boulevard, waving signs and cheering when passersby honked in support.
“We are out here to make a change in the world,” said one participant. “There’s so much racism and just negativity, that we’re here to spread positivity one day at a time.”

Demonstrators stood along both sides of Natomas Boulevard holding signs and cheering when passersby honked their support. / Photo
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