Students Learn About Engineering Jobs

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz 

Inderkum High School continued its professional presentations for students recently with its second installment of an ongoing speaker series.

The event, sponsored by the school’s National Honor Society chapter, featured a dynamic presentation on careers in engineering.

Speakers included Richard Dills and Richard Hunt, both work as civil engineers in the Bridge Maintenance Department for the state Department of Transportation, also known as CalTrans.

Dills and Hunt shared general engineering information with students during their presentation. They also presented props, including a wet suit and a diving helmet with radio communication capabilities, to illustrate specific aspects of their jobs.

Dills specializes in the structural engineering and Hunt is the Director of the Underwater Investigation Team which conducts dives throughout the year by examining submerged portions of California bridges.

The next speaker series presentation is scheduled for early March. 

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