Submission Deadline: Monday, August 24 by 5 p.m.
Tee Color: Specify
Design Area: 7″ wide x 5″ high (you do not need to use the entire area)
Artwork Color: one color – no gradients
SUBMISSION (Submit in Person, Email or Post)
Submission Format: Hand Drawing (black & white) or
a Computer file (.jpg, .tif, .ai)
Computer specs: 300 dpi, vector designs
Submission: [email protected] or in person/post to: Randi Kay Stephens, 915 I Street, 5th Floor (Councilmember Tretheway’s Office).
Inquiries: Kula at (916) 248-9577
– Design based on the theme “Salute to Service: those who give back to our community”
– Design can also be based on the Natomas Community
– Attractiveness of design
Prize awarded during Celebrate Natomas Festival on September 12.
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