lunch program

Hey there,
I found out about a really neat program yesterday at the day camp that Tommy is going to. He’s going to club natomas which is held at Jefferson Elementary. Yesterday they had a sign posted that they are a Kids Free Lunch location. So from 11:30 – 12:00 any kid from 1-18 can go and have a nutritious lunch for free. This is the link if you want
From the notice it just said that they have to eat lunch there onsite and it is for kids only (no adults). I am not sure if a parent has to bring the kid or not.
They’re getting the same lunch that Tommy gets which is usually some sort of sandwich (pb&j, turkey hoagie) mini carrots, fresh fruit, cracker and milk.
Also, they can come for snack from 3:00 – 3:15.
I have a menu for both but I bet if you call the number on the link they would send it.
I never knew this program existed. There are 125 locations in Sacramento that kids can go to…and it’s federally funded.

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