Natomas Journal Officially For Sale

It was announced today that the Natomas Journal is for sale, due to the untimely death of publisher Will Craig on April 10.

“It is my greatest hope that someone from the community will step up to continue the Journal for the community,” Kimberly Scott stated in the announcement.

The Natomas Journal was begun in 1982 and has continued to grow in size and popularity through the following 17 years and three owners. The latest issue was published in February, after the announcement in January of Craig’s illness.

The highly successful community monthly had grown into a 32-page tabloid with a 4-color, 32-page Lifestyle section insertion. In addition, the Journal published a Business Directory and a Map of Natomas.

In 2006, the Natomas Journal won the Sacramento Magazine’s “Best of Sacramento” award for a community newspaper. That same year Craig was named Small Business Journalist of the Year.

Many in the community have expressed their desire for the paper to continue because of its in-depth coverage of the news affecting the residents of Natomas not available elsewhere. It also included coverage of business, schools, athletics, Letters-to-the Editor, editorials, community events and political commentary as well as informative and entertaining family living articles in the Lifestyle section.

For more information, email [email protected].

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