In The News: Race For City Hall Kicks Off

In case you missed it, buried inside the Sac Bee (as is usually the case when it comes to news pertaining to Natomas) is an article announcing two candidates’ plans to run against Ray Tretheway in the next election.

Throwing their hats into the ring are Creekside Neighborhood Association prez Angelique Ashby and Natomas Unified School District trustee Lisa Kaplan. Both candidates hail from North Natomas.

Click here to read the whole article.


  1. Molly Fling says

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  2. Anonymous says

    When is the debate? I would love to hear from all three canadidates. What projects have they been involved wtih to make a Natomas the community we all invisioned? What they invisiion for Natomas. And how they plan to get us there.


  3. I believe there have been a lot of advances in Natomas over the past few years. I would like to see the Buzz take on the task of highlighting what each of the candidates have personally done or lead to give the community a voice in city decisions and improve the living conditions of those who live in Natomas.

    Thank you

  4. I see The Buzz as a vehicle to post information provided by the candidates if they wish to use the forum. I think it’s up to voters to educate themselves by seeking information from many sources. BAS

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