The Natomas Unified School District will hold a board meeting tonight. On the agenda:
- Discussion on converting a south Natomas elementary school to a K-8 campus (either Bannon Creek or Jefferson Elementary),
- Discussion whether to increase in facility use fees,
- Discussion of the five-year Facilities Master Plan, and
- An action on the opening date of H. Allen Hight middle school
The meeting will be 6:30 p.m. at the district’s office, 1901 Arena Blvd. The agenda can be found online at the district web page.
Public comment (when you can comment to the board on items NOT on the agenda) begins at approximately 7:50 p.m. All times are approximate, so if you wish to make public comment (everyone is allowed 3 minutes) please be at the district office by around 7:30 p.m. to make sure you have that opportunity.

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