A Natomas Thanksgiving Story

By Angelique Ashby
President, Creekside Neighborhood Association

This story starts with a generous athlete, Sacramento Kings player Francisco Garcia, who wanted to do something nice for a few families in Sacramento during the holiday season.

His people contacted Captain Daniel Hahn and asked if he could identify a few families that could use some help with a turkey and maybe a Christmas tree.

Captain Hahn said yes and contacted a person in Del Paso Heights and called me in Natomas (I don’t know too much about how the Del Paso Heights story played out other than that it was similar to the Natomas story so I will stick with the Natomas details).

Captain Hahn asked if I could get a few nominations for deserving families that could use a turkey and a Christmas tree.

I contacted a few schools, churches and youth organizations for nominations and got many great families information sent back (by the way this all happened in about 24 hours – start to finish).

The nomination list was heartbreaking but beautiful at the same time because so many people wanted to help these families – one family was nominated by three separate entities because they are so loved and so special in this community.

Three Natomas families were chosen (two from H. Allen Hight and one from the Natomas Jr. Nighthawks – though one of the H. Allen Hight families was also nominated by the Natomas Jr. Nighthawks).

Captain Hahn asked that officer Blynn and Ratcliffe join the team to deliver these turkeys and trees… But those two amazing officers decided that a turkey and a tree was very nice, but all the other Thanksgiving foods would be great as well (stuffing, rolls, olives, cranberries, etc.). So, with their own money, they went to Safeway and purchased all of those additional items for three families they have never met but wanted to help.

Captain Hahn had care packages from the police department made up for the children in these families (stickers, temporary tattoos, coloring stuff, pencils, etc.).

Then we called the people who had nominated these families to come and join the delivery team, Migdalia Wade – Vice President of the Natomas Jr. Nighthawks Football and Cheer League and Mr. Taylor – Principal of H. Allen Hight Elementary School (Mr. Taylor brought his beautiful daughter along with him).

We met at my house printed out directions and headed out to deliver these holiday blessings to three absolutely terrific families (two of the three destinations were in some of the low income inclusionary apartment complexes we often discuss on this yahoo group – a vivid reminder that good people exist in all kinds of circumstances).

I was so impressed by everyone involved, the giving of Francisco Garcia, the generosity of Officer Blynn and Ratcliffe, the coordination and leadership of Captain Hahn and the amazing ability of Mr. Taylor and Migdalia Wade to know who needs help and who will have an open and accepting heart to receive gifts from strangers.

Each family was a pleasure to meet and every one of them was moved almost to speechless by the gesture of good will.

It was an outstanding effort with lots of heroes – not the least of which where the Mom’s and Dad’s raising their children under difficult and challenging conditions.

What a blessing just to be a part of such an incredible event – that in itself was a holiday blessing.

And I can honestly say that based on the effort of Officers Blynn & Ratcliffe and the compassion of Mr. Taylor and Migdalia Wade – I am more certain than ever that there are Angels among us.

Happy Thanksgiving Natomas…

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