First-time Voter Had a Plan for Casting her Ballot

Image of young woman.

Mikayla Pannell, 19

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz

Mikayla Pannell, 19, is a first time voter, community college student and long time Natomas resident who graduated from Natomas Charter School Virtual Learning Academy in 2019. She’s passionate about the arts, social justice and education.

This is the first presidential election Pannell was eligible to vote in and she was excited to be able to participate in the election process. As a young, black woman and a descendent of Americans who had to fight for their right to vote, Pannell said feels a great sense of pride and responsibility as a new voter.

Pannell said she believes the presidential election is the most important election this year.

“As the recent events of 2020 have shown, there is a lot at stake in this election,” Pannell explained. “During this time, the country needs strong and competent leadership.”

In preparing to vote in the 2020 election, Pannell registered, educated herself on important issues, and made a plan where she would be casting her vote.

“I believe it is not only my responsibility to vote but to educate myself on what I am voting for,” she said.

Pannell’s advice to candidates who are running for office in Natomas is to prioritize safety and access to essential resources such as food, housing and employment.

Said Pannell, “During this trying time there is a great need for community support.”